Thursday 5 February 2009


#9 Become debt free (bar mortgage!)

Just worked out that if I carry on making the overpayments at the rate I have been, I will definitely be debt free by Christmas this year! The overpayments are fine, not a struggle at all, so it's great to know I will definitely have this sorted before next year :)


  1. Great news about the debt free date, just as well as it sounds like you have a lot to save for!! Really great news for you though, so well donexx

  2. Thanks hun! Am going to try and pay it off even sooner, fingers crossed :) x

  3. Hi there, found your blog on the MSE 101 thread (I'm lonestarsky on there too!). I'm doing this challenge aswell and I have this goal too!! Best of luck with it, and all your other goals x
